Begin by opening the Cereals Free KnetMiner instance from the /Resources page. Once in, select Triticum Aestivum as the Species in the popup.
Seed dormancy and germination are the underlying developmental processes that activate or prevent pre-harvest sprouting in many grains and other seeds.
Start by opening the Keyword Search by using the left “SEARCH TYPE” banner. We can provide this knowledge as a list of keywords into the search box. The Concept Search provides alternative synonyms or more specific keywords. It also highlights key concept types that match the keywords.
Exercise 1 query:
Keyword Search:
dormancy OR anthocyanin
Exercise steps
1. Copy/paste the keywords from “Exercise 1 query” above, into the Cereals Free (Triticum Aestivum) KnetMiner instance’s Keyword search box.
2. Using the Concept Search shows that the keywords have BioProc, Trait, Protein, PlantOntologyTerm and Gene matches (as data updates, this may increase).
3. Click on the Trait filter and pick a more specific trait keyword from the list by clicking the ‘+’ button.
4. Update the Concept Search search field to only show anthocyanin, also deselecting Trait as the filter.
5. Choose Phenotype as the new filter and add one or multiple results.
6. Hit “SEARCH” and explore the results. Notice how Evidence View is clamped to your specified Concepts. This would not have been the case should you have searched with an open-ended Keyword search (without using Concept Search).